Transparent Line – TGN – Transportadora Gas del Norte S.A. 

Transparent Line

At TGN we care for and value all those who speak up and commit themselves to helping integrity related issues. For this reason, we make the Transparent Line available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What is the Transparent Line?

The Transparent Line is a channel available to report conduct or situations contrary to our Code of Ethics and/or Integrity and Transparency policies, processes and procedures.
It is an anonymous, confidential channel free of charge.

What is the process that generates the report?

The denouncements received are evaluated and investigated by TGN’s Compliance Officer, who shall report them to the Audit Committee and, if appropriate, to the Supervisory Committee.

Who can use it?

The Transparent Line is a channel at the service of employees and third parties, which guarantees that no one will be subject to any type of retaliation for the reports presented.

What other channels exist for reporting situations or transmitting concerns?

At any time, TGN employees can make reports to their direct superior, to any company leader or to the Compliance Officer.

Your reports

Whistleblowers play an important role in maintaining a healthy workplace, and help TGN preemptively address situations that could lead to more serious consequences. Do not hesitate to report: we guarantee confidentiality and no reprisals.